by Joyce Richardson
This is truly a special place.
The parishioners are a warm, welcoming and loving group who strive to teach others, through work and example, about Jesus and the call to follow and serve him.
What truly overwhelms me is the wide variety of ministries which exemplify the generosity of our volunteers, who give abundantly of their time, talent and treasure.
The Altar Guild and Flower Guild work diligently to serve God by making our parish a very beautiful and reverent place of worship.
The choir leads the congregation in spiritual music with a willingness to explore new music for worship.
A very successful Christian Stewardship campaign reinforced our church finances.
Our Events Committee organizes fellowship and fund-raising activities, and our Outreach Ministry supports Community Care, Village Of Hope and St. Stephen’s Orphanage in Kenya.
Our Refugee ministry will welcome an Armenian family of four.
Joyce Richardson is a Lay Reader at St. John’s Jordan.
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