Kathy Lowe writes …
We are the ACW (Anglican Church Women) at Christ Church Niagara Falls.
ACW began in this place in 1927, and we celebrated our 90th anniversary in November 2017.

We have evolved to become primarily a quilting group now. We have six members and we enjoy the fellowship as we hand quilt baby panels. We meet every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and bring a brown bag lunch.
We have a booth at our annual parish bazaar, where we sell such items as hand quilted baby quilts, cushions and wall hangings. Our members also assist at the annual parish Strawberry Social and Peach Festival.
For the third summer we have cut out and pieced together two Quilts of Valour providing comfort to our Canadian service men and women. We support the Brock University Ecumenical Chaplaincy with a donation. Our annual fundraiser is the sale of the Canadian Church Calendars.
As for the future, we have many projects waiting to be hand quilted and we hope to welcome new members.
Women’s Groups
Tell us how you are doing
ACW, Altar Guild, Mothers’ Union, Daughters of the Church and Women’s Auxiliary are some of the names of women’s groups in the Anglican Church.
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The Reality of Post-Secular Canada