The Church of Our Saviour The Redeemer (Stoney Creek) was honoured to host the 2020 World Day of Prayer service. Our parish worked along side members of Stoney Creek Baptist, The Church of Christ, The Zimbabwe Church of Christ, and St. Francis Xavier to put the evening together.
We joined with churches of all denominations around the world in celebrating and praying for the women of Zimbabwe. The ladies of our church had fun decorating for the event which was attended by 89 people. Three large giraffes and a zebra were placed behind the table holding the Bible and beautifully handmade flowers representing the colours of the Zimbabwe flag. A gentleman from Zimbabwe came with the flag of his country and we placed it on the table where the Bible and flowers were.
The service was based on Jesus encounter with a person who, although positioned for healing had not acted upon the opportunities given. (John 5:2-9a) Jesus asked, “Do you want to be made well?” You are faced with this life changing question, “What are you going to do?”
The service began with those taking part in the service processing in together as a sign of our oneness in Jesus during the singing of “Sister Let Me Be Your Servant”. Three teenaged members of our community, Dominique Padmore and Keturah and Kayrah Gaston brought forward the Bible, The Mat (representing the theme) and lit the candles of “Peace”, “Reconciliation” and “Love” followed by the viewing of a seven-minute video about Zimbabwe. There was an opportunity for the congregation to reflect on three questions about the Gospel message during the service and those attending were encouraged to share their thoughts with each other.
Our gifted organist, Mr. Philip Lee, sang two solos “Sweet Hour of Prayer” and “Song for the Nations” and our Rector, The Rev. Bahman Kalantari delivered an inspiring devotional message. Following the service, a reception was held in the parish hall.
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