Special fund supported over 700 projects

From 1992 to 2017, the Anglican Church of Canada has funded 710 projects at a cost of $8,114,896, Esther Wesley of the Healing Fund told

A youth worker’s view of Synod

by Alicia Armstrong During Synod, we had the opportunity to hear from a few different people who were all working within the Anglican Church to

Seeking the face of Christ in the refugee

“As the world in some places moves in the direction of inward focus, protectionism, xenophobia, racism and other closed-minded attitudes, we are continuing to seek

Special week for Christian unity

In 2018, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from January 18 to the 25. In many parts of the world, people are invited

The meaning of Christian Unity

by David W. T. Brattston What is Christian unity in the Biblical sense? Jesus called for unity among Christians, but did not say what Christian

Different focus on worship needed

For the future and wellbeing of our Church today, we need leaders educated in the field of Progressive Christianity to help us in Niagara to

Need to re-affirm the Jesus of the New Testament

Your article (October 2017) “Who is Jesus to me”— and your Facebook friend’s comments — go to the heart of what ails us as Anglicans. You have captured


by Rebecca Clifford, Caledonia The star which [the Maggi] saw in the east went before them, till it came and stood over where the young

Darwin Allen, Abdullah Hatia, Stuart Pike, Scott McLeod and Marilyn Allen participated in the first ride for peace. Photo: Submitted

Riding for peace

by Stuart Pike I have been working with Sheik Abdullah Hatia, the Imam of the Halton Mosque on several projects. One was organizing Muslim, Christian

Animals and Christmas

Born in a stable, Jesus would have been surrounded and serenaded by the sounds of farm animals. Their very presence provided warmth, comfort and soothing

WWII and Christmas

by Kathleen McDonald, Mount Hope Christmas, in England, was a very exciting time for children, which didn’t start until about a week before the big