• Sue Carson

    Sue Carson is the chair of Climate Justice Niagara and a member of St. James, Dundas.


The Stranger At Our Gate

For … I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked, and you clothed me … When did we see you a stranger

Investing in a Sustainable Manner

As Anglicans we have a respon- sibility in the preservation of our world, as we are stewards of creation. The fifth mark of mission states:

Twenty-seven Parishes and Counting …

Twenty-seven, that’s the number of parishes in the Diocese of Niagara which have committed to completing the self-guided energy audit—so far. The original 14 parishes

What A Difference a Year Makes

I remember 12 months ago when I was wondering how Climate Justice Niagara was going to fulfil the promise that we made at the Synod

Grace Church veggie garden

Caring for Our Beautiful Churches

Outside… To celebrate the Season of Creation in September, Climate Justice Niagara would like to showcase some of the amazing church gardens that you have

The Ripple Effect

On October 30, when Synod passed Climate Justice Niagara’s motion, a journey began to reduce our diocesan carbon footprint. We thank Synod delegates for acknowledging

Our House Is on Fire

This September we celebrate the fifth Season of Creation, a five-week segment of the church year when we focus on our planet.  I wonder if five weeks is

I don’t expect everyone to rush out a buy an electric car – although that would be amazing!

Be a TOM For Earth’s Sake

When Archdeacon Bill Mous was an assistant curate at St. James, Dundas, (a while ago) he gave an inspiring sermon at the beginning of Lent

Climate Justice Niagara Logo

Loving Mother Earth

Climate Justice Niagara Chair The evening is dark and the weather outside is not inviting. Gone are those long, sunny days that helped us through

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