These three remain – Faith, Hope

“There are strange things done in the midnight sun,” poet Robert Service penned beginning The Cremation of Sam McGee. Sometimes strange things happen when preachers

These three remain – Faith

She was giving out sauce samples at Ribfest. Earlier, a stranger in the crowded park shouted, “Go to (ribber’s name), they have the best ribs!”

Saint Paul by sea … Bishop Rob by road

The journeys of St. Paul in the 1st century and Bishop Rob Hardwick in the 21st century have certain similarities. Paul travelled by ship to bring

A modern twist on Jesus’ parable

My wife Helen owns numerous sets of earrings. She usually wears silver hoops, her favourite. During the winter, she takes her dog Tyler into the

Learning about their new diocese

In a compact four hour time frame, recently appointed clergy were given everything they need to know, and more, to be effective in Niagara Diocese.

Transfiguring ministries on a Sunday afternoon

They braved freezing rain and slippery roads. Their whistles echoed off Cathedral walls. They listened, prayed, sang and made promises. They applauded, signed documents and

An Easter encounter … through my imagination

The New Testament corroborates Jesus’ resurrection narratives. The gospel writers — Mark, Matthew, Luke, John — gathered their material from a variety of reliable sources, oral and written, and

Bishop Jesus — sure he’s just like us

Across the Canadian Anglican Church, bishops are retiring in droves — as songwriter Bob Dylan wrote, “the times they are a-changin’.” Peter, in his letter, called Jesus

HOLLIStorial: On the way to a new bishop

On Saturday, March 3, 2018, over 200 youth, men and women will gather in Christ’s Church Cathedral Hamilton to elect Niagara’s Coadjutor Bishop. This will