The Evolution of Family Friday

For a few years now, the parish of St. Paul’s in Caledonia has offered a children’s program called Family Friday. In the early days, the

A Blessing of Green Thumbs

Over the spring and summer months this year, two volunteers with very green thumbs have been busy tending a vegetable garden in two big planter

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Children at Play: Crafting Memories

At a recent clergy conference, we were asked to think about times when we had experienced Joy in our various ministries. I remembered several times

Writing to Learn, Writing to Pray

As a child in school, I became a proficient reader—a skill I credit with much of my success in life. I also learned about learning styles

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Words About Words

One afternoon, I loaned my label maker to my young friend Samuel, so that he could complete a project. That done, he proceeded, with youthful

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