• Kerry Lubrick is the diocesan representative for Niagara to the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund.


mapping exercise group

Mapping the Ground on which We Stand

On Thursday, March 17, 2022, as an action in learning truth for reconciliation, some of the Primate’s World Relief and Develop Fund (PWRDF) parish representatives,

Mission in Action

Christ’s Church Cathedral was urgently compelled to love and jump to action during this pandemic, winter season, and time of housing crisis. On January 27,

Walkers gathered outside 541 Eatery and Exchange

A Cold Walk with Warm Hearts

As we prepared to start the season of Lent, a team from Christ’s Church Cathedral participated in the annual “Coldest Night of the Year” (CNOY)

A Year of Gratitude from PWRDF

“So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened

Riding—or Walking!—for Refuge 2021

The Anglican Diocese of Niagara’s Rise and Shine Team, along with 14 other teams across Canada, including the Anglican Primate of Canada, Archbishop Linda Nicholls,