The Divine Intention
If you are out on lake ice in the silence of night you will sometimes hear the ice sheering against itself. This is the sound
The Venerable Max Woolaver is rector of St. Andrew's, Grimsby. He is also an avid singer/songwriter as well as a retreat leader. Max was ordained in the Diocese of Niagara in 1986 and received his M.Div. from Wycliffe College, University of Toronto; he also studied at the Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation.
If you are out on lake ice in the silence of night you will sometimes hear the ice sheering against itself. This is the sound
These are particularly challenging times for prayerful people. We are aware that whenever, wherever, and however we pray we can expect distractions. The moment we
Jesus came among us preaching a kind of divine anarchy. In the Gospel of John, we hear Jesus say: “The truth shall set you free.”
“Too often the church has turned away from this challenge and sunk into a bourgeois, conformist respectability… At such times it is almost indistinguishable from
We often think of faith as something like the tail of a kite: something attached to something else. The ‘something else’ in this case is
“Here, then, is the crucial question which we have been leading up to. Have we ever opened our door to Christ? Have we ever invited
This is how the incarnation begins. It has always been this way, and it will always be this way, in darkness, endless, perpetual incarnation in
“I Grow Old, I Grow Old …” —T.S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T.S. Eliot’s famous poem, The Love Song of J.
Our son is in a good and loud rock band. As I have been listening to the songs there is one particular tune that seems
“What extraordinary love can emerge from so much death? And yet, Noah, at this moment, knows, as no one has before him, that he is
“God does not wait until we die to begin this process of opening to the full vista of God’s Glory awaiting us beyond the veil
Her wooden yardstick measured things precisely. She moved methodically around each corner with practised ease — touching here, tugging there. Even though she was far away, it
“Can somebody get the baby? “He needs to get up!” (The call is music to my ears.) “I will,” I shouted, as I ran for
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? Paul Gauguin Elephants communicate with each other below the range of human hearing.
As human beings, we need to be open to the hungers of our soul. We need to be brave enough to turn toward the infinite
When Jesus speaks of himself as “the Way, the Truth and the Life” we would not be far wrong to be hearing him say “I
The first step to God is always a question. It is always a question that opens the door; one thinks of the many questions in
The call of God comes to you as the primary hunger of your heart. All our primary hungers originate in God’s hunger for our happiness.
The official publication of the Diocese of Niagara, published 10 times a year from September to June as a supplement to the Anglican Journal.
The Diocese of Niagara lies at the western end of Lake Ontario, encompassing the Niagara Peninsula, Hamilton, Halton Region, Guelph and portions of Wellington and Dufferin Counties.
Anglican News Canada is a ministry of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada
© 2025 the Diocese of Niagara. All Rights Reserved.