Celebrating Canada’s 150th Anniversary

Part of Canada’s history is our church’s story. Tell us yours, in 300 words or less. A story about … Yourself, your parish or your


Deborah Genesis 35:1-8 Being a maternal/child nurse at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, my selection of a woman in the Bible would be Deborah No. 1,

Pharisee’s house

Pharisee’s house Luke 7:36-50 The woman recognized the Pharisee’s house as she turned the corner—she had never been welcome there. She tucked her hand firmly

Celebration and sadness mark final service

by Bill Mous “This church building has been a home, a refuge and a place filled with great joy in the midst of countless celebrations,”

Chinese New Year

by  Joseph Asselin St Cuthbert’s in Oakville recently celebrated the Chinese (Lunar) New Year with special prayers and blessings followed by a time of fellowship with dumplings.

Community Meals – St Cuthbert’s Oakville

by Joseph Asselin In partnership with Kerr Street Mission (KSM) in Oakville, members of St. Cuthbert’s, together with friends and supporters, cook and host Thursday

Community Meals – All Saints Erin

by Chuck Williamson No Sermon, no charge. All you need is an appetite! Our community dinner is six years old. We’d like to say we

A day to remember in another Hamilton

by Michael Burslem It was my good fortune to be in another Hamilton for the centenary celebrations for the Waikato Cathedral Church of St. Peter.

Growing a green church

by Hollis Hiscock Caring for creation is an important part of who we are as a faith community, wrote Sue Carson, Chair of Greening Niagara,

Special series starts next month

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017. “Women of the Bible” is the Niagara Anglican’s planned daily meditation series. Women across Niagara Diocese have

A year in pictures: St. John’s Ancaster bicentennial

St. John’s Ancaster launched their parish’s 200th anniversary celebrations on Advent Sunday 2015 (Niagara Anglican, November 2015). Over the ensuing months, many activities enabled people

The Blanket Exercise — Called to Action

by Susan Wilson All Saints Erin has taken seriously the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. With support from the Parish Council, we