The Blanket Exercise

by Hollis Hiscock The KAIROS Blanket Exercise was developed, according to their website (, as “a teaching tool to share the historic and contemporary relationship

Surplus budget projected

A good news budget with a small surplus on a cash basis is how Andrew Clinkard, Chair of the Finance Budget Committee, described the 2017

Our Jesus is Come

by Rebecca Clifford Who were the magi? What gifts do they bring, Priceless and rare, befitting a king? Why did they journey ever so far?

Gleanings from Synod reports

The work of Synod gets played out in many groups, committees and other components comprising the church in Niagara Diocese. Annually each one reports to

No changes to assessment practice for now

More work needs to be done before a new DM&M formula becomes a reality in Niagara Diocese. Through DM&M (Diocesan Mission and Ministry), parishes make

Cathedral Place revitalization

An update on the Cathedral Place Revitalization Project was presented by project manager, Terry Charters. The presentation began with a review of the history of

From humble beginnings – 140 years later

On Sunday January 15, 2017, the Church of Our Saviour The Redeemer, (formerly The Church of The Redeemer) Stoney Creek formally kicks off a yearlong

Mentioning unmentionables

by Jennifer Stevens The Church of the Epiphany Oakville boldly went where others may be shy to go with their “Time to Mention the Unmentionables”

Music helps to forget pain and fears

Editor’s note: The Reverend Christopher (Father Chris) Snow, Rector of Grace Church in Milton, who came from a long line of musicians, played the saxophone

People moved by shows

“No one in the audience leaves the production unmoved!” wrote Gail Money, a parishioner of Holy Trinity Fonthill, after attending several performances by Song of

Hope, healing and forgiveness

“This book captures some disturbing stories but I think you will find Wab’s journey both powerful and life changing,” noted Bishop Michael in describing the

Our Historic Creeds

by Allan Smith The October Niagara Anglican had an article on the Nicene Creed floundering in a sea of questions which discombobulates the reader. In

Community centre opens in grand style 

It started with a Development Task Force in 2001 and culminated with the grand opening of St. Luke’s Community Centre (SLCC) Oakville on Saturday, November

A Christmas message from Bishop Michael

Our 2016 world needs to hear and respond once again to the true message of the first Christmas. Like Mary, we as God’s people, living

Hush Little Boy

by Rebecca Clifford Hush little boy, I’ll warm Your bed A downy pillow for Your head. So soft and gentle Your place in the hay–