January 2022 Issue

The Refugee Journeys of the Masri Family

Transforming Prayer

When Jesus speaks of himself as “the Way, the Truth and the Life” we would not be far wrong to ...

New Facilitator’s Guide Available to Create Parish Mission Action Plans

Inspired by the process to develop a diocesan Mission Action Plan (MAP), the diocese has now made available a guide ...

Creating a Culture of Respect, Justice, and Peace for All

Diocesan Synod marked a turning point for the Anti-Racism Working Group. Did we report that our work was finished? Quite ...

The Ripple Effect

On October 30, when Synod passed Climate Justice Niagara’s motion, a journey began to reduce our diocesan carbon footprint. We ...

I Gave In

In late October 2021, in our very own Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton, I was ordained a priest. I’d been ...

Archbishop Stephen Cottrell Calls for Attention to Climate Change

The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Stephen Cottrell, The Archbishop of York and Primate of England, was the guest speaker ...

Faith Formation Boxes Spread Joy across Niagara

The children, youth, and family ministry (CYFM) leader network is celebrating the completion of our largest faith formation box build ...

The Unfolding Gospel—An Exercise in Self-Advertisement

Last time I checked, self-advertisement was not among the nine-fold fruit of the Holy Spirit. Love, joy, peace—all that good ...

Refugee Turned Citizen

Raed Al Salkhadi has shared with the parishes of St Simon’s and St Jude’s of Oakville the happy news that ...

The Vocation of a Citizen

In her recent charge to Synod, Bishop Susan Bell quoted from an interview with the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan ...

Ordained for Sacred Ministry

On the Feast of the Reign of Christ, November 21, Bishop Susan Bell ordained Sandra Thomson and Mark McGill as ...

Anglican Foundation Grants Over $25,000 to Niagara

In late November, more than 100 grant and bursary applicants received some welcome news that they will receive funding from ...

Seeing Beyond Ourselves

On January 6, we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. From the Gospel of Matthew, we read the story of ...

A Stewardship Journey

The Magi in the Gospel of Matthew asked: “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” It ...

Presence and Prayer: Christ’s Church Cathedral Opens Its Doors to New Ministries

Dean Tim Dobbin and Assistant Curate Rob Jones have started to realize a dream for transforming the way Christ’s Church ...

Socktober Super Successful Sock Drive

The Kitchen Bees, an outreach project of The Church of the Apostles in Guelph, has been keeping busy in October ...

Niagara School for Missional Leadership Looks to Winter Term

Eight courses are being planned for the winter 2022 term of the Niagara School for Missional Leadership (NSML), which will ...
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