Matthew 7:12 – The golden rule

The tendency is to interpret this passage in the negative, “Don’t treat others in a way you wouldn’t want to be treated.” But to remain

Matthew 7:7-11 – Ask, seek and knock

Revelation 3:20 reads, “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking: if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to

Matthew 7:6 – Judging others

This is arguably one of the sermon’s stranger sections. Are we not called to go and make disciples, to preach about Jesus, to tell everyone

Matthew 7:1-5 – Judging others

We often hear the admonition, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” In a world that values personal freedom, personal choice and the rights of the

Matthew 6:25-34 – Teaching about Worry

Worry is the great disabler, especially when directed toward things material. There was a time when I made C.S. Lewis’ Wormwood and Screwtape proud, whose

Matthew 6:24 – God and possession

It is a truth that we live in a material world rampant with consumerism. It is also true that materialism, wealth and fame cannot bring

Matthew 6:22-23 – Vision

Healthy vision is highly prized among our other senses. We depend on our eyes for our wellbeing and our activities. Light enters our eyes so

Matthew 6:19-21 – Riches in heaven

The words “store up” imply an accumulation beyond that of one’s present need. Like the parable of the rich fool building bigger barns, how much

Matthew 6:16-18 – Teaching about Fasting

We read that John the Baptist taught his disciples to fast and Jesus Christ said his disciples would fast after his death (Mark 2:18-20). Paul

Matthew 6:9-15 – Teaching about Prayer

I have been watching Netflix’s “A.D. Kingdom and Empire” where there is a scene leading up to Pentecost displaying the apostles praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Bishop Michael writes …

One of our readings appointed for Easter this year comes from the 25th chapter of the book of the prophet Isaiah: On this mountain the

Matthew 6:5-8 – Teaching about Prayer

The disciples in Luke’s Gospel ask Jesus, “Lord, teach us how to pray”, a seemingly perennial question we would do well to heed in our

Matthew 6:1-4 – Teaching about Charity

Our relationship with God calls for us to live a righteous life, one where our actions toward our neighbours are all inclusive. The concept of

Candidates meet and greet

Over 400 people gathered at three locations on consecutive days around Niagara Diocese to meet the priests who have offered themselves as candidates in the

Matthew 5:43-48 – Love for enemies

This passage of the Sermon on the Mount builds on the previous five verses and you may wish to read those verses again when contemplating